Do you own or are you considering acquiring a Lamborghini but are suspicious of its upkeep and maintenance costs? Look no further than this guide: the secret to affordable maintenance is out!

We aren't the only ones who advocate affordable supercar ownership: this magazine helps spreading the word, but the same concept has been out for a while! Need proof?
What follows is a very carefully curated ultimate DIY/ parts reference list published on by a dedicated member whose handle on that forum is A.M. In short, we find the quality and detail of his research and explanations absolutely outstanding. So much so that there is no doubt it needs to appear in the form of an article in this section.
“Since the parts are all used across different models and brands (VW and Audi, with the most extreme example being the 5.2L R8), it is relatively simple to do lots of maintenance and gear-turning work ourselves as long as we aren't deluding ourselves that the Lamborghini is some sort of insane, finicky, non-Audi automobile.”
Here is the description of his project, using A.M.'s own introduction narrative:
I've been here for a while and, from all the jokes we make about me, a couple
of things are no secret: I like working on my cars, I like making how-to videos,
and I like not getting shafted by the Lambo tax.
With that said, since the Volkswagen Auto Group is lazy and run by, it seems,
accountants, we as Lamborghini owners are in a phenomenal position to be
able to cross-reference parts with Passats or whatever.
At the same time, since the parts are all used across different models and
brands (VW and Audi, with the most extreme example being the 5.2L R8), it is
relatively simple to do lots of maintenance and gear-turning work ourselves as
long as we aren't deluding ourselves that the Lamborghini is some sort of
insane, finicky, non-Audi automobile.
So, I'm going to try to make a solid thread here that I consider the "ultimate"
DIY thread. It's become a bit of a pet project of mine to keep my mind off my
mother's cancer, which many of you are aware of and have sent me kind words
Over the past few weeks, I have been digging around, cross-referencing part
numbers, and doing some research. I've spoken to head techs, service writers,
and even the Lambo North America and the factory in Italy. Since a lot of the
higher-ups at the various marques know me, I've been able to leverage that
into candid information and discussion.
I'm going to try to make this thread as easy to navigate as possible. I will make
a slew of "placeholder" posts under this. I will separate info into easy to
navigate "sections": Lubrication, Ignition System, Fuel System, Tires/Wheels,
Brakes, etc.
In each section, I will note OEM and Aftermarket parts (for example, OEM air
filters as well as K&N/BMC filters) along with the best price I have found for
them including shipping and return policy and "risk" of purchase. (IE, if Joe
Shmoe's Random Auto Part site has air filters for $51 out the door, and Amazon
has them for $52, I will list Amazon because there is almost no risk of a
problem versus an unknown auto part supplier).
I will also note what cars the parts work on, and, as I make videos, I will post a
link to the how-to video as well.
Let's do this!.